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Collie Club of Southern Wisconsin

February 4, 2006 -- Judge Tim Garrison
Sweepstakes: Debbie Ferguson

Dogs In Competition: 97
Roughs: 29-37 (7-2)
Smooths: 8-3 (5-6)

Sweepstakes: 8-9

Photos by Shannon Hayes
Results reported by Michelle Tennis

Best of Breed/Rough Best of Variety

Ch. Overland Highcroft Frosting (Blue/B)
Breeder: Mike and Marcy Fine
Owner:  Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: Ch. Overland Gathering Storm ROM
Dam: Ch. Overland Powder Blue
Handler: Leslie Jeszewski

Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed/Rough Best of Opposite Sex

Ch. Tapestry South Wynd (Blue/D)
Breeder:  Matt Stelter, Jen Duhon and Steve and Lisa Finken
Owner:  Steve and Lisa Finken   
Sire: Ch. Southland's Bowen Island
Dam: Ch. Tapestry Silver Spring

Rough Winners Dog -- 5 points

Highcroft Thunder Road
Breeder: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Owner: Don and Leslie Jeszewski
Sire: Ch. Overland Summer Storm ROM
Dam: Ch. Highcroft Evening Embrace
Handler: Leslie Jeszewski

Rough Reserve Winners Dog

Tapestry Titanium Knight (Blue)
Breeder: Lisa and Steve Finken
Owner: Sharon and Don Samuelson
Sire: Ch. Tapestry Heir Jordan
Dam: Ch. Tapestry Silver Spring

Rough Best of Winners/Winners Bitch (Best of Best of Winners) -- 5 points

Twin Acres Heaven's Gate (Blue)
Breeder: Sharon and Frank Edler
Owner: Sharon and Frank Edler
Sire: Ch. Twin Acres Grand And Glorious
Dam: Twin Acres Tomelle's Pirouette
Handler: Frank Edler

Rough Reserve Winners Bitch

Fantasy's Just Imagine (Sable)
Breeder: Debbie Holland
Owner: Debbie Holland
Sire: Ch. Fleur -De- Liss Secret Weapon
Dam: Fantasy's Without Shame
Handler: Debbie Holland

Smooth Best of Variety/Best of Winners/Winners Dog (to finish) -- 5 points

Shalee N Jolee's Referee
Breeder: Gayle Ann Stepanik, Joanne Hawkins
Owner: Gayle Ann Stepanik, Joanne Hawkins
Sire: Ch. Summerwind Shalee LBJ
Dam: Ch.Shalee-Jolee's Cracklin' Rosie
Handler: Rebecca Myers-Barth

Smooth Best Opposite Sex to Best of Variety

Ch. Donlen's Spirit of An Angel (Tri/B)
Breeder: Lenise Adams and Jean Framke
Owner: Lenise Adams
Sire: Ch. Elsinore's Nantucket Blues
Dam: Fury's Touched By An Angel
Handler: Lenise Adams

Smooth Winners Bitch -- 2 points

Lisara's TNT
Breeder: Carmen and Larry Leonard
Owner: Cheryl Hayek
Sire: Ch. Overland Gathering Storm ROM
Dam: Ch. Lisara's Lavender Blue II

Smooth Reserve Winners Dog

Abbeyhill Absolute Power
Breeder: Betty and Robert Abbott
Owner: Betty and Robert Abbott
Sire: Abbeyhill Sunstorm Fantasy
Dam: Abbeyhill Onyx Angel

Smooth Reserve Winners Bitch

Oak Knoll's Finesse
Breeder: Brian Elwell and Amy Ross
Owner: Brian Elwell and Amy Ross
Sire: Ch. Oak Knoll's Strawberry Schnaps
Dam: Ch. Oak Knoll's Evita

Best In Sweepstakes

Redwood Bit O' Heaven Hero
Sire: Ch. Highcroft Mountain High
Dam: Oak Knoll's GoodNews Beauty
Breeder: Mitzi and Gary Soldner
Owner: Mitzi and Gary Soldner and Michelle and Tom Tennis

Best Junior Handler

Allyson Caldwell


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Display ads are published on Saturday and appear in the ad tunnel for a week, on the contents page for a month and then in the ad archive for a year.

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Each extra photo is $10 and you can enhance your ad with a pedigree for an additional $10.